Excited in looking for 1st/2nd hand house recently.
Friends told me it are too risky since I jz start from scratch. For info, I have to buy house as well as car. Moreover, lots of miscellaneous expenses, such as petrol fee, toll fee,etc…
Hmm.. I have this decision after thoughtful consideration.
Although i think to have my own dream house. However,due to limitation in budget and risk minimization, I choose to share purchase house with my sis.
On the other hand, we can reduce each other burden as well. If anything go wrong, one of us being retrenched or something else, there are somebody else who can continue to pay for the installment. Lolz..
Quite miss happiness in childhood
Quite miss my study life
Quite miss the moment we spent whole midnight at mamak stall
Studying? Working?
If there is a chance to go back to the past, will you willingness to try it out?
You will choose continue studying or working at that moment???
I know we cannot change the past. But I just can’t stop to think.
Quite miss my study life
Quite miss the moment we spent whole midnight at mamak stall
Studying? Working?
If there is a chance to go back to the past, will you willingness to try it out?
You will choose continue studying or working at that moment???
I know we cannot change the past. But I just can’t stop to think.
Actually I have much more ideas to blog in
I wish to pour out everything..
Nevertheless I feel I always face with bottle-neck.
Perhaps, i can express my feeling my experience easily using chinese, but I find great difficulties blog in using english.
Is it the chinese wordings tend to be more peculiar and subtle. Wuahaha~
I wish to pour out everything..
Nevertheless I feel I always face with bottle-neck.
Perhaps, i can express my feeling my experience easily using chinese, but I find great difficulties blog in using english.
Is it the chinese wordings tend to be more peculiar and subtle. Wuahaha~
Why everybody quite enjoy with their work?
Why everybody quite enjoy with their work?
Different with me~
I still don't know what is the target of my life,how's my life going on,etc
I feel quite LOST in my life
Friend asking me don't want to be cop anymore?
yes. I wish to. but it’s hard. I will be kick out in 1st round.
I'm underweight. >.<
Different with me~
I still don't know what is the target of my life,how's my life going on,etc
I feel quite LOST in my life
Friend asking me don't want to be cop anymore?
yes. I wish to. but it’s hard. I will be kick out in 1st round.
I'm underweight. >.<
I dont like to waste on food.
Normally I'm the one at my home who will finished orts at last. Lolz..
Hmm.. Since many people around this world has nothing to eat. They look much too skinny. They even take everything to avoid die from sheer hunger.
Thus, we should cherish what we're having now.
Normally I'm the one at my home who will finished orts at last. Lolz..
Hmm.. Since many people around this world has nothing to eat. They look much too skinny. They even take everything to avoid die from sheer hunger.
Thus, we should cherish what we're having now.
年轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们 通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面,坚强,理智,承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想, 他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。
魔羯 相对任何星座来比能在最段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺 点,但是他们通常不会说出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气来指 出.
所有魔羯都拥有2个性格,只是大部分魔羯都不愿意去接受,因为他们希望自己永远的傻傻的活下去,魔羯的坏可以 媲美过所有星座,也许他们不相信,但是随着时间的积累魔羯的人在慢慢变坏,其实这也是一种自我保护,他们需要知道了解自己最后的一张王牌,做不做就看对方 是否达到让魔羯抱负的地步了,这并不是在表扬,似乎用阴险可以形容,当魔羯讨厌一个人的时候那就是一种绝对,魔羯不会随便讨厌一个人,但是如果哪个人做的 太过分,这个人会从魔羯心底彻底抹杀,如果这个人激怒了魔羯,呵呵那么这个人就只能等着灾难的降临。
魔羯是个比较 城府的人,他们不会表面去得罪了,但是他们会计划着让这个人知道他所做的事情将会给自己带来多大的回报,魔羯的报复手段极其残忍,他会加倍的还给你,(如 果你有一天遭受到摸名的灾难那么你去想想你在什么时候得罪了魔羯)魔羯并不会随便的去加害一个人,因为魔羯也讨厌自己的坏,他们是天才的杀手,一切的一切 从很早以前就做好计划,而且这些计划在没有事件出现前他们就在考虑如何完美并无破绽的进行报复计划,也许这些和他的悲观有些联系,魔羯的人很了解世界,但 他们固执的相信美好尽管自己知道那是不可能的,大部分魔羯都讨厌坏坏的自己,当然想抛弃自己是不可能的。
魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻,这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到任何伤害,与其做一个 聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋友都很真,他们很珍惜 些朋友。
他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去.和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他们脾气很好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们 并不是脾气好,只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他们也早就想考虑好如果对方为什么会这 样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会这样了.魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们 可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼,除非你这个人品太差了。
魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情,但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个感觉,大部分感觉都可以一个 人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于是开始对对方表白,表白成功 后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出”我爱你”或者话题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝对 不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯一 能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。
追求: 魔羯的追求是认真的,只要对方不让魔羯认为完全没有机会,魔羯就会像疯子一样的追求着,他们其实对自己非常没有信心,唯一的动力只是相信自己在爱着,为了对的起自己的感情,为了认真的去爱一回.
被追求: 魔羯对于不喜欢的人不会给予任何机会,魔羯的人很善良,而且他们知道长痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉强接受了你,那也是出于一种同情心,但是 交往没几天他们就开始内疚,他们认为怜悯的爱对追求者来说是一种伤害,他们会尽量的躲避并且对追求者很冷淡追求者尽量的让追求者开始讨厌她/他.如果追求 者不理解的话,放心最长不超过一年,魔羯会很理智的告诉你别在联系了,她/他会消失的无影无纵.
拒绝: 如果魔羯真的爱了就不会去拒绝你,永远不会.
被拒绝: 魔羯比任何一个星座对感情都很认真,恢复伤痕的时间也很长,他们会选择消失,这样对你对他都有好处,因为他怕多看你一眼而又再次无法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割
年轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们 通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面,坚强,理智,承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想, 他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。
魔羯 相对任何星座来比能在最段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺 点,但是他们通常不会说出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气来指 出.
所有魔羯都拥有2个性格,只是大部分魔羯都不愿意去接受,因为他们希望自己永远的傻傻的活下去,魔羯的坏可以 媲美过所有星座,也许他们不相信,但是随着时间的积累魔羯的人在慢慢变坏,其实这也是一种自我保护,他们需要知道了解自己最后的一张王牌,做不做就看对方 是否达到让魔羯抱负的地步了,这并不是在表扬,似乎用阴险可以形容,当魔羯讨厌一个人的时候那就是一种绝对,魔羯不会随便讨厌一个人,但是如果哪个人做的 太过分,这个人会从魔羯心底彻底抹杀,如果这个人激怒了魔羯,呵呵那么这个人就只能等着灾难的降临。
魔羯是个比较 城府的人,他们不会表面去得罪了,但是他们会计划着让这个人知道他所做的事情将会给自己带来多大的回报,魔羯的报复手段极其残忍,他会加倍的还给你,(如 果你有一天遭受到摸名的灾难那么你去想想你在什么时候得罪了魔羯)魔羯并不会随便的去加害一个人,因为魔羯也讨厌自己的坏,他们是天才的杀手,一切的一切 从很早以前就做好计划,而且这些计划在没有事件出现前他们就在考虑如何完美并无破绽的进行报复计划,也许这些和他的悲观有些联系,魔羯的人很了解世界,但 他们固执的相信美好尽管自己知道那是不可能的,大部分魔羯都讨厌坏坏的自己,当然想抛弃自己是不可能的。
魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻,这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到任何伤害,与其做一个 聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋友都很真,他们很珍惜 些朋友。
他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去.和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他们脾气很好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们 并不是脾气好,只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他们也早就想考虑好如果对方为什么会这 样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会这样了.魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们 可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼,除非你这个人品太差了。
魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情,但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个感觉,大部分感觉都可以一个 人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于是开始对对方表白,表白成功 后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出”我爱你”或者话题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝对 不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯一 能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。
追求: 魔羯的追求是认真的,只要对方不让魔羯认为完全没有机会,魔羯就会像疯子一样的追求着,他们其实对自己非常没有信心,唯一的动力只是相信自己在爱着,为了对的起自己的感情,为了认真的去爱一回.
被追求: 魔羯对于不喜欢的人不会给予任何机会,魔羯的人很善良,而且他们知道长痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉强接受了你,那也是出于一种同情心,但是 交往没几天他们就开始内疚,他们认为怜悯的爱对追求者来说是一种伤害,他们会尽量的躲避并且对追求者很冷淡追求者尽量的让追求者开始讨厌她/他.如果追求 者不理解的话,放心最长不超过一年,魔羯会很理智的告诉你别在联系了,她/他会消失的无影无纵.
拒绝: 如果魔羯真的爱了就不会去拒绝你,永远不会.
被拒绝: 魔羯比任何一个星座对感情都很认真,恢复伤痕的时间也很长,他们会选择消失,这样对你对他都有好处,因为他怕多看你一眼而又再次无法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割
I make concession to the receptionist today. Say sorry to her and apologize on any inconvenient caused. >.< Then she also say sorry back to me. But then I heard from someone (people from warehouse) that she complaint me in front of her. Phew~ office life >.<
Somebody asking me why I have to apologize on this matter???
I told him that although her tone is rude but it is fact she helps us to collect the parcel voluntarily.
I’m trying my best to break the deadlock.
The longer time I let it, more harden it will be.
A simple way will let everything go smooth, will make my job easier.. Hmm...
Somebody asking me why I have to apologize on this matter???
I told him that although her tone is rude but it is fact she helps us to collect the parcel voluntarily.
I’m trying my best to break the deadlock.
The longer time I let it, more harden it will be.
A simple way will let everything go smooth, will make my job easier.. Hmm...
Story of sandwich
I felt unhappy yesterday. I feel like a sandwich in between of bread. Finally I deeply understood what my senior mention about. Customer’s parcel (DHL) reaching during lunch time, then suppose people from warehouse should sign and accept for it, but anyhow they reject to accept the parcel. Luckily the receptionist helps us to sign for the parcel. Somehow, when she calls me to collect the parcel, as usual, I told her I can’t do that; request her to forward the parcel to people at warehouse. As my past experience, I did collect the parcel when receptionist calling me. But my superior told me I can’t do that to avoid any loss or damage of the parcel. Also, I have to responsible for it. In procedure, the parcel should received by people at warehouse, checking by them , then just pass to us…then the receptionist yell at me with angry tone when I told her regarding this. This is 1st incident that upset me.
Second is troublesome Japan parent company. They always give troubles to us. We have to do everything to make them convenient, to please them, to let them feel happy, etc. Everything they do is correct one; even they done it wrongly, we must tolerance for their mistake. For their convenient, we have to double our workload.
1. Supply wrong part frequently
2. Give us wrong info on the part. Even 10 times compared to previous time. And we only get to know after customer place order and giving shipping instruction.
3. Request different PO for same order No. because customer intends to send to two places respectively. Actually it’s not a necessary step. Just to make their work easier but not for us!!!
4. Miss the shipment
5. Always changed the price of part without prior notice but always blame us due to we provide them PO with different price. They told us we should check the price through Japan system since we have the system. Zzzz… But not everyone authorize to use the system lo.. Also, u thought we free enough to check every items frequently? My colleagues even tried difference of price today and tomorrow, through Japan system. Zzz..
Due to the price of PO, Japan side often calls to the head of other department and shout at them. >.< There is a difference. The significant treatment between Japanese and non-Japanese. The head of my department is Japanese. So,........u guys sure know the answer. Thus, every time we have urgent enquiry or shipment, we pass them to him will done. Lolz.. Past incident that happened few days again, urgent case, and we willingness to pay whatever cost to pay for the part, but Japan refuse to do so, mentioned that not possible to reach at the designated destination by that time bla bla bla.. But they agree to rush for us after a Japanese call for aid. Phew~~~
Somemore I heard my colleagues say some Japanese tend to complaint. The most ridiculous complaint is complaint others speak English too fast. Faint…
Just mumbling.
Forgive me..lolz..
Second is troublesome Japan parent company. They always give troubles to us. We have to do everything to make them convenient, to please them, to let them feel happy, etc. Everything they do is correct one; even they done it wrongly, we must tolerance for their mistake. For their convenient, we have to double our workload.
1. Supply wrong part frequently
2. Give us wrong info on the part. Even 10 times compared to previous time. And we only get to know after customer place order and giving shipping instruction.
3. Request different PO for same order No. because customer intends to send to two places respectively. Actually it’s not a necessary step. Just to make their work easier but not for us!!!
4. Miss the shipment
5. Always changed the price of part without prior notice but always blame us due to we provide them PO with different price. They told us we should check the price through Japan system since we have the system. Zzzz… But not everyone authorize to use the system lo.. Also, u thought we free enough to check every items frequently? My colleagues even tried difference of price today and tomorrow, through Japan system. Zzz..
Due to the price of PO, Japan side often calls to the head of other department and shout at them. >.< There is a difference. The significant treatment between Japanese and non-Japanese. The head of my department is Japanese. So,........u guys sure know the answer. Thus, every time we have urgent enquiry or shipment, we pass them to him will done. Lolz.. Past incident that happened few days again, urgent case, and we willingness to pay whatever cost to pay for the part, but Japan refuse to do so, mentioned that not possible to reach at the designated destination by that time bla bla bla.. But they agree to rush for us after a Japanese call for aid. Phew~~~
Somemore I heard my colleagues say some Japanese tend to complaint. The most ridiculous complaint is complaint others speak English too fast. Faint…
Just mumbling.
Forgive me..lolz..
Today heard my colleagues say they wan keep fit. Then due to curiosity, I ask them how much they wan keep. Lolz.. then ask them how is them BMI… then they keep on counting. And of course for mine one remain underweight. >.< actually I think BMI is not a appropriate method. Just take our height and weight into consideration only, without our age. Lolz..
credit card
Today I have received my credit card bill. Wow.. 2k plus. My 1st bill exceeds my monthly salary, (let leave aside exchange rate. Haha.) I think I have to be self control on usage of the credit card. I don’t want to be slave for credit card. >.< It is exciting since this is my 1st credit card in my life. Lolz~
It’s a challenge to become a human being. Sometimes, I get tired of such life. Also, I find out that I become more and more lazier to deal with people. However, everybody in this world has to go through the mill. I ever think of commit suicide to left this world. Lolz.. This notion always flashes in my mind but I don’t dare to do so. Perhaps, in my inner perception prohibit me to doing so. Since we have courage to kill ourselves, why don’t we have courage to live, embolden ourselves to encounter every difficulties & ups & downs in life. Moreover, since I no physical disability, no terminal illness, etc, I seem no senses to give up my life.
Today I’m suffering from menstrual pain during office hour. I almost want take emergency leave. Anyhow, due to my senior not in then I have to remain. The time I request the aid from my colleague, she pass me 2 pills of panadol,. Somehow, I remain feel very painful. Then my colleague advises me to take 2 more pills. Then I reply her whether I will die since I take excess dose of panadol. Forgive me~ I’m never take panadol since I know there are so many how poisonous is it. LOL~ I remembered I had bought a box of panadol last time but I keep it aside for a year. LOL~
Today I’m suffering from menstrual pain during office hour. I almost want take emergency leave. Anyhow, due to my senior not in then I have to remain. The time I request the aid from my colleague, she pass me 2 pills of panadol,. Somehow, I remain feel very painful. Then my colleague advises me to take 2 more pills. Then I reply her whether I will die since I take excess dose of panadol. Forgive me~ I’m never take panadol since I know there are so many how poisonous is it. LOL~ I remembered I had bought a box of panadol last time but I keep it aside for a year. LOL~
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